Thursday, October 26, 2006

Bumps in the Road

Everyone knows that the road of life is not always the same. It changes sometimes daily sometimes hourly and sometimes not for months at a time. It can be like a meandering country road, traveled slowly and with wonderful surprises around the curves. It can also be like a six lane express way, zooming past so fast you barely have time to register the events and people around you rushing from one place to the next and sometimes it is a pot hole, bump filled hazard that you maneuver with care.

Lately is seems as if I am destined to travel the pot hole, bump filled hazard more often than I would care to.

One bump was that my Dad was recently diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. This really wasn’t too surprising as he has been flirting with this for at least the last 5 to 7 years. So far he is doing really well with diet modification, increasing his exercise and taking oral meds.

A little over a week ago my Dh, 16yos, and future DIL were rear ended on the interstate. Not a bump that you are ever really prepared for, but fortunately for my family this has been a minor bump. Everyone is seeing the chiropractor for whiplash and they are progressing well. Of course the hassle of dealing with the insurance company will take awhile yet but we will prevail.

One of the saddest and longest lasting bumps has been the upheaval in my Dh’s family. It started a little over a year ago when his middle brother tried to cause problems for my Dh and made some wild accusations concerning him. We think because of jealousy but will probably never know for sure. After this my Dh quit playing peacekeeper between this brother and his oldest brother and things deteriorated rapidly after that. For some reason done of us can fathom my MIL has taken up for this trouble causing brother, thus virtually ruining not only her relationship with my oldest BIL and my Dh but also causing a major rift in her relationship with my children, who feel she hasn’t treated my Dh fairly. Some things go on the same, if my MIL and step-FIL need help it is still my Dh, who either takes care of it or on whom they call for help but so much more has changed. The final rift for my Dh was when she not only didn’t get him a card for his birthday but didn’t even bother to call and wish him a Happy Birthday. This may seem like a minor thing but in the 24 years we have been married it had never happened before, not even the year his Dad died just days before his birthday. I have cried buckets of tears over this and have tried to keep from being grossly negative about either my BIL or my MIL but it sometimes leaks through.

The latest bump is the one all women dread to hear. My mammogram came back with changes from previous years. Okay, not a problem. I scheduled a follow up and went in today to be squished, flattened and prodded. I am BTW rather sore this evening. The radiologist still didn’t like the pictures and so they did an ultrasound. I am still expecting them to come back and say it was nothing; however that is not what I heard. It seems I have what appears to be either several small irregular cysts, or one cyst with several compartments on chambers inside it. So next week I go back and have a needle aspiration done. I am hoping and praying this will turn out to be one of those minor inconvenient bumps and not a big life changing bump. I have also opted not the tell the rest of my family with the exception of my Dh. We have my niece’s first birthday party on Saturday, and our youngest son’s thirteenth birthday on Monday and I don’t want to bother anyone with this right now.