Thursday, November 24, 2011

What I'm Thankful For

I didn’t do the days of Thankfulness not because I’m not thankful but because quite honestly I didn’t need another thing to do every day. And yes, I know that some people did several days at once occasionally, but us type A people put pressure on ourselves to do things.

So what am I thankful for?
I am thankful for friends and family. The ones you see or talk to frequently and the ones you only see occasionally. They provide companionship and comfort, sometimes a hug or a friendly ear to listen to my woes or complaints. I am also thankful for those friends and family that keep us on their prayer list.

Most of all though I am thankful for God’s providence.

He provides blessings, protection, and mercy on a daily basis. Sometimes he doesn't answer prayers or provide exactly the way we think he should but I know without a doubt that he provides for us.

Specific things I am grateful for this year:

That Tyler and Katie didn't have any big upsets in their lives this year. No ruptured appendix, broken bones or anything life threatening. Also that through Katie I have reconnected with my creative side and am scrapbooking with her and others on a regular basis.

That Josh found someone he loves, who loves him too and she brings with her a wonderful little boy.

That last month when Josh got his hand hug up on a rope, that although he may have really hurt himself he didn't lose a finger or worse.

I am thankful that when Jordan got T-bone in his truck this summer that he and everyone else walked away unhurt even though his truck was totaled. On top of that the insurance company paid more that he expected for his truck.

I am also thankful that if Sean had to have cancer, he has a cancer that if diagnosed in the chronic phase, which his was, has a very good prognosis. With the medication he is taking 97% of patients return to completely normal blood work, 76% achieve complete cytogenetic response (no abnormal chromosomes in blood), 63% show a major molecular response and 40% achieve complete molecular response meaning no abnormal chromosomes are found in the bone marrow. There have been major advances made in the treatment of this cancer in the last 10 years and current studies are being done on people who have achieved complete molecular response to see if they can discontinue the medicine.

Last but certainly not least I am thankful for the husband God provided me. We certainly didn't expect the results or should I say non-results of the last six months since Toby finished school. We were certain he would have a job as soon as he got out of school if not before he actually graduated, but that was not to be. However God has provided and Toby has managed to find enough custom welding jobs and farm work that all our major needs have been met. I am not sure what God has in store for us this next year but I do know that if we place our trust in Him, He will provide no matter how tough the times get and I am truly thankful for that.