Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Sean and Ranger

This is a picture I took of Sean and Ranger a couple of weeks ago.
Aren't they a good looking pair. Hey I'm his mother I can be prejudice.

Monday, November 06, 2006

The Results

Well I got my results back late Saturday afternoon and the biopsy came back benign!

*Big Sigh of Relief*

I will still have to go back in six months for a follow up mammogram but at this point that is not to worrisome.

At first I didn't think I was going to bruise very bad were they made the incision and inserted the instrument for the biopsy, but I removed the steri-strips last night and I have a bruise about the size of an orange on the underside of my breast. It isn't really very sore but there is still one small spot that is a little hard.

I wasn't supposed to do any heavy lifting or strenous exercise for two days after the procedure but that is up and I am heading to the gym this morning. We see if that makes me sore.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Tick Tock

Tick tock, tick tock the minutes crawl by so slowly when you are waiting for that all so important phone call.

Is the biopsy clear? Does is show questionable cells? Or horror of horrors does is show cancerous cells?

Time seems suspended in slow motion waiting for a call that will either cause sighs of relief or forever change your life.

Tick, tock, tick, tock waiting for time to crawl by.

The Procedure

Well, I had my ultrasound guided biopsy yesterday and it was surprisingly painless.

When I went in they explained the procedure, gave me the pep talk about how less than 1% of cyst like mine turned out to be cancerous and then we got started. First of all the ultrasound tech located the area where the cyst were located, then the doctor came in gave me an injection to deaden the area, an injection, which I didn’t even really feel. Then she made a small incision in my breast, again I didn’t feel anything and then inserted an ultra thin metal rod into the area. Using CO2 it froze a small section of breast tissue to the end, which the doctor then extracted. After taking two samples to biopsy, she placed a small maker is the area so that when I go back in six months they will be able to locate the area where the cyst were. They placed two small steri-strips over the incision site and gave me an ice pack to place over the area to help reduce bruising, took two mammogram pictures to be sure they could see the marker and sent me on my way. I was there less than an hour.

The most painful thing about the whole procedure was the ultrasound tech smashing my poor boob with the ultrasound wand, paddle or whatever they call it. Now to just wait patiently until they call me with the results later today.