Wednesday, June 21, 2006

dark days

It’s a dark day and I hate those.

I have at least one a month and I know it is hormone related but it sucks big time to feel like this.

Much of the day will be spent in tears. I don’t want to be with family, friends, or communicate with online friends. Friends? Hmmm I wonder if I actually even have anyone that I can really call a friend. Lots of acquaintances but how many would really consider me a friend? I want to be liked by people but feel as if I’m a neurotic, attention seeking, know-it-all that people don’t really like.

My kids hate me; I’m a horrible mom, a mediocre wife. I’m fat and can’t seem to make the long terms changes need to lose weight and keep it off.

On days like today I feel as my family would really be better off if I just went away and didn’t come back. I want to sit and eat chocolate and drink Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper, hibernate in my room and bury myself in a good book that will take me away from my life.

I do things that are supposed to help; exercise at least 3 days a week and many weeks 4 or 5 days, use a natural progesterone supplement, take essential fatty acids these things have helped reduce the number of bad days but nothing seems to really help completely.


Jaci Burton said...

Of course you realize all those failures you feel are in your own mind and aren't reality.

You need a good strong support system and good friends who understand Pms days *g*. And a husband that lets you bitch and cry on his shoulder during the dark days. ;-)

Have you talked to your doc about this? I haven't had to deal with it in years because of surgery but I remember those days well.


And big hugs!

Sherry said...

Thanks Jaci,

and yeah I know that it's just hormone induced crap.

As for the doctor thing ..... I uh would like have to actually go see her and I haven't been since the post op check last year.